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                产品展示 王子(OJI)的中国事业

                Environmental Guideline

                Environmental Guideline.jpg

                OJI Interpack Co., Ltd.

                Basic guideline

                Our Company is concerned about global environment in all of our production activities according to the mission of the OJI GROUP Environmental Charter.

                Environmental guideline

                We carry out environmental management during our production and sale activities of HiPLE-ACE? packaging products according to the following guideline.
                1. Save resources, energy and reduce wastes through business activities, so as to maintain and improve sound environment.
                2. Abide by relevant environmental laws, regulations, and agreement, etc.
                3. Establish environmental purpose and object, reevaluate periodically in order to realize them, so as to improve the environmental management system continuously.
                4. Whether in fixed service, non-fixed service, accident or other emergency, we will always be devoted not to damage the community and to prevent the environment from being polluted.
                5. In order to ensure all staff and workers will follow the environmental guideline, they will be trained fully and the environmental guideline of the Company is disclosed to the public.
                6. In order to promote propaganda, enlightenment, social and community activities, we will carry out environmental protection activities jointly with the regional society.