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                产品展示 王子(OJI)的中︽国事业


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                Recommend the most suitable solution to every customer according to the individual VA/VE flow chart.

                Any improvement plan is meaningless if it can’t bring benefit to customers. Thus, Suzhou OJI finds out objects and demands of customers according to individual VA (Value Analysis: analyze value)/VE (Value Engineering: create value, improve value) flow chart. After status analysis, it makes improvement goal and scheme for reducing comprehensive cost of packaging. Then, such exquisite plan will be designed accurately with 3D-CAD. It makes the development of high quality package possible. About the sample made during development phase, its improved effect after various of test is evaluated as the specific value according to comprehensive analysis and evaluation. It demonstrates the most suitable solution to customers in a visible way. Every personnel of the process is experienced and skilled packaging expert; they are engaged in every process from design, production to delivery.
